Angel Quest Certification Program
This program will be offered in three parts, but they don’t have to be taken in order. Please see class schedule for specific dates they will be offered. When all three parts are completed, you will receive a certificate that will enable you to practice what you have learned. The different segments will be taught over a two- day span, usually over the weekend. On the first day, emphasis will be on increasing psychic abilities in order to connect with angels and deceased loved ones. On the second day, various healing techniques will be covered.
Below is just a brief synopsis of what will be covered:
Part 1 (Prerequisite Reiki 1)
First Day
Peace Meditation
Angels and Ascended Masters (Various angels/ masters and what they do)
Difference between angels and deceased loved ones
Four Ways we can receive messages from them
Edgar Cayce Meditation to connect
Feeling energies and sensing different vibrations (heavy/light)
Words in envelopes
Seeing and sensing auras
Importance of forgiveness and compassion
Forgiveness meditation
We will sit in an “angel circle” to connect with other dimensions
Everyone will do readings to connect with angels and deceased loved ones
Second Day
Chakra Clearing Meditation
Reiki, energy healing, and messages
Mind/body connection and disease
Determining what a physical manifestation of illness means
Sensing where to do healing
Energy testing and energy healing exercises
Clearing chakras energetically
Everyone will perform healings and messages on others.
Talk about essay
Closing remarks/ questions
Part 2 (prerequisite Reiki 2)
First Day
Meditation to connect
Zen meditation
Calling on angels one by one and sensing each one.
How messages come.
Ego should not try to “make sense” of what it gets
Personalities of deceased loved ones (for ex. Loud/ funny/ quiet)
“As we see in another, so we see ourselves.” (If someone irritates us, it is something we don’t want to acknowledge in ourselves.
Anger without projection is impossible.
Forgiveness exercise.
Forgive the person, not the action.
Clear it – “I am willing to release that part of me that irritates me when I think of you.”
*Judgment is ego based.
Guidance is God based.
Choose your words.
Put energy in what the client wants, not what he/she doesn’t want!
Automatic writing
Spinning to clear chakras
Warm sea salt baths and sitting by fire opens up third eye
Hold intention of seeing
Lighter diet
Angel Circle
Everyone will do automatic writing readings
Second Day
Calling on angels before healing
Doing distant healing to clear one’s own chakras
Doing distant healing to heal clients before they come.
See the person healed, whole, happy.
Healer knows he/she is one with client.
- Tuning forks
Sensing problem areas
Protecting oneself/ clearing space
Getting rid of allergies energetically
Talk about essay
Part 3
First Day
Meditation to connect (Ask angels to come into the room)
Concentrating on one’s breath (count exhales to 10)
Staring at candle
Sensing “beyond” what someone is saying
Dreams and dream journals
Angel cards
Everyone will do angel card readings
Second Day
-Meditation (chanting)
Importance of healers healing themselves
Clearing chakras using Reiki 2
Cutting cords
Thoughts and disease
Lymphatic massage
Auras – Strengthening, scanning, expanding, balancing, massaging, and clearing them
Using color to heal
Seeing through the eyes of another
Setting up your practice
Setting fees, finding space or an office, disclaimers, insurance, etc.
Summing it all up/ talk about essay