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There Are No Limits….Only Those We Place Upon Ourselves

Henry Ford once said that “If you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”

This quote illustrates a very important idea that is often ignored… the idea that, almost all of the time, limits on our abilities and our achievements are self-imposed. In other words, most of the limits we face are placed on ourselves.

Of course, there are “real” limits that we face in life. No matter how hard we try, waving our arms will not enable us to fly. But take a minute to think about the limitations you are currently facing in life, and evaluate how many of them are “real” limits, and how many are self-imposed.

For instance:

“I really wish I could learn French, but I’m terrible at learning new languages.”

“I would love to backpack across Europe, but that is impossible because I don’t make enough money.”

“I can’t enjoy life because I am stuck at this dead-end job. I hate it, but I can’t find anything better.”

“I wish I had a better relationship with my brother, but he is just impossible to talk to.”

Most of us could relate to at least one of these “wishes”, and if not, we all certainly know someone who can. Each of them represents a challenge that certainly seems impossible to overcome… but if we look more deeply into the heart of the problem, we realize that it can be overcome with a bit of planning and work.

Take the desire to backpack across Europe as an example. It is easy to dismiss it as “impossible”, especially if you don’t make much money. But if it is truly important, you can find a way to do it. This might mean saving just a bit of money each month for the next five or even ten years. It might mean connecting with a group that allows you to join them at a reduced cost. Or it might even mean finding a new job that pays more. This is a hypothetical situation, but the point is simple: by digging into the essence of a challenge that seems impossible, we can often find the solution!

So what does this mean to you today? It means that you can fearlessly look into your own heart and ask yourself “what do I really want from life?” And it means that, no matter how impossible your dreams and desires may be, they are not out of your reach. It means that by seizing the day and refusing to say “I can’t”, we can accomplish anything!!

Resolve today to stop saying, “I can’t” or “that’s impossible!” Instead, say “I don’t know how to do that yet… but if I apply my creativity and my energy, I KNOW I will discover the solution!”

This change in your mindset will change the course of your life. By pursuing your dreams without fear, you will discover a richer and more fulfilling life than you ever thought possible!

Many blessings to you as you explore this exciting journey that we call life!

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