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Karen Noé

This Year, Focus on Peace

Happy 2015! Let this be your best year ever! To make this possible, remember to shift your focus to what is right in the world, instead of dwelling on what is wrong. When you’re dedicated to focusing on peace within yourself and in the world around you, you’ll truly understand that the world does not consist solely of the negative events that are primarily covered in the news and that are posted on social media pages.

Miracles, small and large, happen every day. Seek them out in conversations, history books, the news, and on social media — because they are there!

Here’s a little prayer to help you look for the best in everything and everyone:

Dearest God,

Please allow all of us to rise to a higher level of consciousness where only peace prevails on Earth. Help us release all negative and fearful energy now. Allow us to see your love within each person. Take away all negativity that blinds us from experiencing this total love.

Let your love shine through in the media, so that love and peace are the main focus, not war and violence. Allow those in the media and those who are posting on their social media pages to understand that they bring more energy to what they are talking about, so allow them to deliberately cover peaceful, positive events that make people feel good. And so it is.

I look forward with joyous anticipation to what this New Year brings!

Many blessings to you!

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