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Karen Noé

Have a Tweet and a Smile

If I had to sum up in one word what I do for the majority of my days, that one word would be “connecting.” Connecting to the deceased, connecting to loved ones, connecting to my spiritual self, and of course, connecting to love. For most, “connecting” in our lives means connecting to friends and family. How lucky we are to live in a time where we can connect with a simple click or press of a button! Yes, I’m talking about social media. Tools like Facebook and Twitter allow us to extend our circle to the world. This may mean different things to different people, and many use these tools in a variety of ways – from business to reconnecting with their high school sweetheart. However, I like to think about these tools in different way. By increasing our reach, we can increase our influence, which means we have even more power to changes lives! So what better way to change a life than to spread a positive message through your tweets and Facebook posts!

Have you ever been sitting at your home or office when it’s raining outside and you’re not having the best of days? Suddenly you scroll down your Facebook wall and something catches your eye. Maybe it’s an inspirational quote, a picture that makes you smile, or a simple post from a friend that says “I miss you.” It seems like your whole day has taken a turn for the better. So since you’re on Facebook too, think about it, YOU have the power to change someone’s day too! There are a few ways you can do this. One, and the simplest, you can share something amazing someone else posted. Pictures, quotes, and videos are all easy to share with a couple of clicks of a button. This goes for Twitter as well, where a simple “retweet” will repost the message of positivity you want the world to know. Two, find great content on your own. It doesn’t always have to be an inspirational quote or picture, it can be an uplifting and informative blog you found. It could also be an enlightening video you saw on YouTube.

Finding the great content takes a little work, but think about the benefits. If you take a few moments every day to find something uplifting, motivational, positive, or enlightening to share with your circle, you yourself will become uplifted and enlightened. In addition, you will become a “go-to person” for positivity and love, so more people will be drawn to you. In turn, you will be helping more and more people.

Finally, you can become the “content creator.” This means that the post would be coming directly from you. Maybe a friend came over to see you when were sick and you post something like, “I was just reminded how lucky I am to have great friends.” Maybe you’re in your car and you see the most beautiful sunset. You can get your camera phone, take a picture of the sunset and post, “Sometimes we just have to stop and see how gorgeous life is.” These are simple messages, but they are real and original. Even though these take a little thought, they often have the most impact. It is understandable that everyone is at a different level as far as their social media skills, but what better way to practice than to spend a little time everyday spreading love?

Angel blessings to you!

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