After we die, we go through a “life review” where we are able to see how we have affected others – through their eyes. We’ll see the “bigger picture” of how our actions have influenced all those in our paths.
Even more importantly, we’ll also be able to see “the bigger perspective” of how we have treated ourselves as well. Unfortunately, it is only at this point that we will realize we should have loved ourselves more and treated ourselves with the respect that we truly deserved.
But you know what? You don’t have to wait until you die to go through your life review to grasp the idea that you should take better care of yourself. You can begin treating yourself with the respect you deserve right now!
Go within and see if you are paying attention to your emotional needs. Are you respecting your right to pursue happiness? Are you going after your soul’s passions? Are you following your dreams? Do you have loving relationships? Are you in a job that you love? Are you satisfied with your living arrangements? The list can go on and on.
The most important thing to do is to make sure all of your needs are met. No one else is going to do it for you! Follow your passions. Go after those dreams. Don’t expect anything but the best in all your relationships – and that includes your relationship with yourself!
After you leave this world, you will see the beautiful, magnificent light that you are! Don’t wait until it’s too late to understand this wonderful fact! Treat yourself with the respect that you deserve – right here and now! You will be so much happier, and so will everyone around you!
Many blessings to you!